Saturday, February 27, 2010

Homemade Yoghurt (based on malaysian climate)

This recipe yields really creamy yoghurt (almost like greek yoghurt) and with no added sugar and less sour.

1 litre full cream milk 
3-4 tbsp plain yogurt 
(optional but recommended 3-5 tbsp full cream milk powder depending on the quality of full cream milk)

1. Mix 4-5 tbsp of the milk with yogurt in a cup and set aside at room temperature.
2. Meanwhile, bring full cream milk to near boil, stirring constantly (little bubbles forming at the side of the pot)
3. Turn off heat and pour milk on a pyrex ware or glassware and leave uncovered until a thin layer forms on the surface or until luke warm.
4. pour in the yoghurt mixture from the sides , evenly (try not to touch the surface too much)
5. Cover the glassbowl with cling wrap and place the entire bowl on top of the fridge for about 10 hours (based on local climate)
6. Its ok if after 10 hours, it still  looks still slightly or yet to set.
7. Carefully, scoop off the excess liquid formed at the sides or on the surface without breaking the surface.
8. or skip step 7 and refrigerate it covered overnight.
9.  Once set, scoop it into a container and leave it in the fridge until needed. 
10. Use the remaining 3-4 tbsp yoghurt to make a new batch of fresh yoghurt.

(Note : at 8 hours, it may be less firm and less sour, at 10 hours it has the right level of sourness- to my taste, and at 12 hours its more firm and curdled up, liquid separates from main curd and more sour)

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